24 de jul. 2007

The Hives al FIB

Extret de la pàgina de The Hives, després del concert del FIB:


Just got back to the hotel after a blistering performance at the Benacassim festival. The Hives were well on form after having the day off yesterday and blasted out whetever they had in their system to make the night nothing short of magic.

It was good as well seeing all our Spanish fans again. Long time no see but you all made the night extra special and The Hives will no doubt come back. Thanks alot and you're welcome!

Your humble servant

Nick "The deadly pick" Arson

Jo mentrestant pillant la púa (al igual que a Kings Of Leon) en un dels millors concerts del festival. I diuen que tornaran per aquí. No sé vosaltres, però jo penso repetir!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...


putu guitarrista k era lamu!!:D