21 de jul. 2008

The Strokes Update

QUESTION: When are The Strokes coming back?
ANSWER: The guys are set to get together and get back at it early 2009.
CAN'T WAIT?: Until then, you can view the recent news posts and check out some of the projects the guys have been working on.

Julian: Converse commercial: N*E*R*D feat. Santogold & Julian Casablancas - My Drive Thru
Albert: ¿Cómo Te Llama? + European Tour w/ Coldplay Web | MySapce
Nikolai: Nickel Eye | A Kind Of Dream
Fab: Little Joy debut album out 4th November


1 comentari:

Adria ha dit...

Uooo!! A veure si tornen ja, que després de tres anys de silenci que farà al 2009, ja toca!!!